
The aqueduct is the first segment of the Integrated Water Service, undoubtedly the most visible and the most widely perceived, as it not only meets the primary and essential needs of the community, such as for drinking and sanitary use, but also various other requirements, from domestic to public and industrial use.

There is a great deal of work behind a simple gesture like turning a tap. The company's aqueduct system covers all 55 municipalities in the province of Monza and Brianza and guarantees a constant supply of water suitable for human consumption, fully compliant with legal parameters. The 400 wells in the area raise the water resource through a system of pumps and feed it into the distribution networks and storage tanks after treatments, if necessary, like disinfection or removal of undesirable substances to ensure potability. The distribution networks cover around 3,185 km and receive about 115 billion litres of H2O per year and then, through connections equipped with meters, deliver it to homes and other points of final use.

BrianzAcque carries out quality controls on all wells and on numerous significant network points. Committed to satisfying the needs of users, the company is progressively renewing the aqueduct infrastructures, improving the quality standards also using new technologies, always with a great attention to the rational use of resources and the environmental impact limitation.

In numbers

879,207 inhabitants served
63,854 active users

3,2k km
water network extension

111 million cubic metres of water in the network


Domestic civil use 

Non-domestic civil use 

Other uses related to commercial, artisan and tertiary sectors in general


When can I call the Pronto Intervento, the emergency service?

The toll-free number 800.104.191 is to be used exclusively:

  • to report leaks
  • for water and sewer faults
  • for meter faults (e.g., stopped or unreadable meter or broken crystal)
  • for breakages, disservices, irregularities or for an interruption of the supply
  • for the alteration of the water potabilty


Water and Sewerage Emergency Service

Free number operates 24/7 all year round.

Interventions are limited to the public network; any failures of internal systems are the responsibility of private individuals.