To guarantee the management of the Integrated Water Service according to principles of efficiency, effectiveness and economy, in full compliance with national and EU regulations, BrianzAcque has launched a strategy to implement the knowledge of its assets, with the aim of improving the planning and management of the service in the long term.
The activities of monitoring the hydraulic flows of the water sewerage system are one of the main sources of expertise that underpin the strategies of optimising the management of the integrated water service, preventing criticalities, protecting the infrastructure assets and above all planning and managing the works.
These activities are also to be seen within the context of a regulatory compliance regarding the M4 macro-indicator required by ARERA. In particular, the project envisages the permanent measurement of flow rates over a period of 5 years, subdivided into hydraulic basins and districts, suitably compared by a parallel rainfall monitoring campaign and related to minimum night-time flow rates, and will provide a data flow to empower the Integrated Sewerage Plan that is currently being defined, implementing knowledge of flow rates, water balances, parasite water flow rates, monitoring of any quantitatively anomalous discharges and monitoring of the functionality of spillway structures. All correlated with rainfall data.
The contract was assigned in 2018 with an auction base of approximately €7,3 million, while the activities necessary for the start-up of the turnkey service and management phase were developed and completed in 2019. The activities included widespread inspections throughout the territory and the installation of about a thousand measuring instruments, hydraulic flow, and rainwater flow, as well as about 400 overflow sensors connected to the discharges underway, in order to guarantee a network of activation alerts correlated to the remote control of BrianzAcque.