The Laboratory of BrianzAcque is an important reality in services for the safety and quality control of water resources and of the environment. Accredited since 2010 as a Multisite Laboratory, according to UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2018, it relies on a multidisciplinary team of technicians - chemists, biologists, eco-toxicologists and experts in environmental sciences - and sampling staff who refer to the 3 laboratories (2 in Monza and 1 in Seregno) that provide the company with the tools to better manage and monitor the quality of the different steps of the water cycle - collection, distribution, waste water collection and purification - contributing to the protection of the environment and the improvement of the quality of life of the community and of our territory.
BrianzAcque, as a waterworks manager, has the responsibility and the obligation to carry out controls to verify the quality of the water distributed through internal analysis laboratories, or by stipulating a special agreement with other water service managers. Our laboratories also check the functionality of the Monza San Rocco and Vimercate purification plants and provide analytical support to the Industrial Users Management sector, verifying the compliance of the discharges with the provisions of the mandatory legislations. Every year we carry out over 12,000 samplings to determine more than 250,000 chemical, chemical-physical and microbiological parameters on the matrices analysed.
BrianzAcque's laboratories operate in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2008, UNI EN ISO 14001:2015, BS OHSAS 18001:2007 and UNI EN ISO 50001:2011 standards. They have also been accredited for over 10 years in accordance with UNI CEI EN ISO 17025:2018 (accreditation no. 1139). The results of the analyses reported in the test reports of accredited laboratories are recognised in all countries that have signed a mutual recognition agreement with Accredia and, therefore, accreditation is synonymous with reliability and credibility. The analytical results are regularly made available to the member municipalities, to the ATO and the competent ATS (formerly ASL) on the territory. The latter carries out further checks on the water according to its own timetable and is responsible, by law, for judging its potability.

Accredia is the body designated y the Italian Government that assesses the competence of laboratories, applying the most rigrous standards to verify their performance over time.