
The sewerage system is the second segment of the Integrated Water Service and is of fundamental importance for environmental protection as it removes polluted wastewater resulting from domestic, manufacturing, and tertiary activities and conveys it to the purification plants.

The sewerage system of BrianzAcque covers the 55 municipalities of the Province of Monza and Brianza and provides a variety of services to citizens, including the maintenance of networks and street grids for the collection of rainwater, the issuing of authorisations for the connection to the public sewerage system, the expression of opinions on implementation plans and the subsequent testing of the sewerage works that are carried out. Besides, the office oversees the management of over 400 flood spillways for which the company deals with the maintenance and care to always comply with current regulations.

The network of hydraulic sub-services extends for about 2,770 km of pipelines and includes over 140 sewage lifting plants and 40 first rainwater tanks and 12 overflow tanks. The former is necessary for the delivery of wastewater to treatment plants, the latter to make available accumulation volumes and curb the inconvenience caused by what are now commonly referred to as "water bombs", short but intense rainfall that severely test the collector networks, often saturating their capacity and causing overpressure.

The company is constantly engaged in building maintenance operations and in the purging of structures that are part of the system. The work is partly planned and scheduled and partly carried out on an emergency basis to avoid safety and health issues. We are committed to replacing damaged networks and to improving the efficiency of the lifting stations in terms of flow rates and above all energy optimisation, monitoring operating parameters and promptly sending any malfunctioning alarms to the emergency service.

The figures


Inhabitants served

2,7k km
sewerage extension

76 million cubic metres of water
entering the treatment plants


•  Construction of connections
•  Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of the service infrastructures
•  Remote control of the plants managed in the territory of the 
    Province of Monza e Brianza
•  Replacement of damaged networks identified by means of on going video inspection
     video inspection throughout the provincial territory


When can I call the Pronto Intervento, the emergency service?

The toll-free number 800.104.191 is to be used exclusively:

  • to report leaks
  • for water and sewer faults
  • for meter faults (e.g., stopped or unreadable meter or broken crystal)
  • for breakages, disservices, irregularities or for an interruption of the supply
  • for the alteration of water potability


Water and Sewerage Emergency Service

The toll-free number operates 24/7 al year round.

Interventions are limited to the public network; any failures of internal systems are the responsability of private individuals.