Hydraulic risk

An iron pact between the MB Associaton of Engineers and BrianzAcque against hydraulic risk

The intensification of the effects of climate change like water bombs, intense rainfall occurring shortly after one another with damage and inconvenience to people and things in an area, like Brianza, among the most urbanised and populated in Italy, is causing a contraction in the capacity of soils and sewers to absorb and retain water.

In this context, BrianzAcque has placed the correct management of rainwater at the centre of its objectives in the field of environmental policies and urban safety since 2014. This commitment was empowered in 2017 after the Lombardy Region introduced the principle of hydraulic and hydrological invariance. These three words can be summarised as the desire to reduce the impact of rainwater caused by new land transformation activities through virtuous actions, the reuse of water resources and the restoration of natural cycles.

This legislation, addressed to the municipalities that are called upon to draw up special studies for the management of hydraulic risk, has been implemented by BrianzAcque that, leveraging its expertise and know-how developed in the sector, in agreement with the ATO of Monza and Brianza, has taken on the task of drawing up the studies on behalf of 53 municipalities in the reference basin, all of which, none excluded, are classified as being in a highly critical hydraulic zone.

After setting up an internal team of dedicated professionals, with the support of INU, (the National Institute of Urban Planning) and the departments of three Lombardy universities, it signed an agreement with the Order of Engineers of Monza and Brianza in November 2020. In fact, the pact translates into the establishment of a permanent technical table on the issues of hydraulic invariance and new urbanisation works. A working group in progress to act as a point of reference for the municipalities of the province and for professionals, standardising procedures, promoting training events, a shared and participated understanding also aimed at creating a culture for the hydraulic risk.