This area is dedicated to services aimed at the production of goods and services, including agricultural, commercial and craft activities, tourism and hotel activities, services rendered by banks and financial intermediaries and telecommunications services.
Helpdesk to citizens
BrianzAcque provides helpdesks to carry out operations with one of our operators. Find out the address and opening hours of the helpdesks closest to you.
Starting Monday, November 23, 2020, user desks will be open by appointment only, to provide you with safer, more efficient and faster service.
Book your appointment by calling 800.005.191 or by e-mail:
Consult the helpdesks open by appointment only below.
Helpdesk at home
- elderly people that are not self-sufficient and/or with limited personal autonomy
- People with disabilities
- people who are temporarily in a specific condition of difficulty for health reasons
the service offers the possibility to carry out all the operations and practices concerning the supply of drinking water.
Interested parties can contact the Customer Service operator at the toll-free number 800.005.191 (available from Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. and on Saturdays from 8.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.) who, after verifying the impossibility of solving the problem by phone, fix an appointment at the user's home to deal with the issue and solve the problem, without any additional costs.
The BrianzAcque operator will come to the appointment with a logged company car, an identification card and an intervention order he asks the customer to sign. He is not authorised to collect money in any way.
Online helpdesk
The Online Helpdesk is the solution allowing to interact with us via the web.
By connecting with their own computer, each user can access typical helpdesk information in real time and carry out all operations remotely 24/7.
LIS "The Italian Sign Language Interpreter” ITEM

The service for the deaf is a video communication service intended for deaf people making it possible to connect any helpdesk to the citizen with a Video Centre where LIS - the Italian Sign Language - interpreters operate.The interpreter's task is to facilitate communication between the deaf person and the helpdesk operator, translating the deaf person's requests from Sign Language into verbal language and, vice versa, translating the operator's instructions into Sign Language.The interpreter also operates an assistance service, not limited to translation, but using the knowledge of the two "worlds" to put them at the service of the deaf person. The service is based on software for Tablets equipped with the necessary internet connections (LAN, Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G).The videocall consists in a functional conversion between sight and hearing: the interpreter communicates with the deaf person using a visual language, a Sign Language, and with the helpdesk operator using a verbal language.
The service for the deaf is an interpreting service that translates a visual language, the LIS - Italian Sign Language - into a spoken language, in this case Italian, to allow deaf people to communicate in real time even if there are no accompanying persons acting as interpreters for them. This disability has not yet been sufficiently facilitated by social policies, even though deaf people live in difficult and highly disabling situations.
The service aims to remove the barrier to disability, allowing deaf people to communicate, enabling them to regain autonomy in social relationships and in dealing with the bureaucratic/administrative/everyday aspects of life.
At the moment the service is available at the counters of:
Monza, in via Cremona 4/A (for the East Brianza area)
Cesano Maderno, in via Novara 27/29 (for West Brianza area)