Monza plant


Located in the San Rocco district of Monza and built on the left bank of the Lambro River in an area of 12 hectares, the plant receives and purifies the sewage from 27 municipalities in the Province of Monza and Brianza and limited portions of the territory of another 9 "Municipalities" in the Como, Lecco, and Milan areas. Consisting of numerous technological structures, equipped with sophisticated machinery and instruments (centralised monitoring and remote-control system of the various operations carried out), the plant receives a considerable quantity of polluted water every day that, after a series of purification treatments, is released into the Lambro River.

This is an ‘organic activated sludge’ purification plant capable of treating the wastewater produced by a resident population of approximately 600,000 and 4,500 production facilities.

It receives and purifies the sewage from 25 municipalities, plus part of the municipality of Usmate Velate, in the Province of Monza and Brianza, and limited parts of the territory of another 9 Municipalities in the Provinces of Como, Lecco and Milan.

Its potential places it among the largest plants in the Lombardy region and its structure, through an integrated platform with plant services, houses examples of some innovative technological solutions: from the application of the biological process with alternating phases in the water treatment chain, to the combined application of thermal lysis and anaerobic management of sewage sludge, which is the only Italian excellence.

Moreover, it was one of the first plants to complete the sludge treatment chain with a thermal drying plant, which allows its subsequent reuse as a secondary fuel in cement kilns. The plant is highly automated in its main processes and is fully remotely controlled using a platform integrated with the sewage and water services.

In numbers, the plant purifies approximately 75 million cubic metres of water per year (one cubic metre corresponds to one thousand litres) and produces 15000 tonnes of sewage sludge (one tonne corresponds to one thousand kilos). These numbers testify to the importance of the sewage plant's activities.

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Where is the plant?

The purification plant is located at the registered office of BrianzAcque in Vaile Enrico Fermi 105, Monza