Customer survey 2020

A consolidated relationship with our users

92,3% of the users of the service provided by BrianzAcque appreciate the quality of the public water supplied. A percentage that rises to 99,7% among regular consumers of kiosk water. They are satisfied with the numerous initiatives launched by the water utility to deal with the health and socio-economic emergency triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic.

And 94,9% of member municipalities rate the technical quality of the water service provided by the public utility as better than expected. These are the main data emerged from the Customer Satisfaction 2020 survey addressed to citizens and technical office professionals in the 55 municipalities of the province of Monza and Brianza.

These are some of the data reported by the latest market survey developed by Strategica and divided into two distinct parts: one directed to citizens; the other to the staff of the technical offices of the served municipalities with a total survey universe equal to 879,207 residents. In all, 1,720 interviews, were carried out, but the element to be taken into particular consideration is the time element: the questionnaire, structured with closed and open questions with consistency check, was in fact administered from 20 April to 16 May 2020, in full lockdown,  which ended on 4 May with the start of phase 2.