"Count on us": this is BrianzAcque's campaign to replace the entire fleet of drinking water meters in Brianza. The operation started in the last four months of 2019, and the maxi intervention will continue for another 7 years with an initial economic investment of 3,5 million Euro for the '20-'21 two-year period.
In total, 160,000 old-generation devices are ready to make way for newer, higher-performance meters. All active users in the 56 municipalities of Monza and Brianza, managed by the water utility, will be involved.
The removal and replacement of the 160,000 measuring devices, required following the entry into force of Ministerial Decree 93 of 21 April 2017, will take place, step by step, and will be developed in lots over a period of eight years, with an economic investment of 3,5 million for the first two years.
Two lots are involved in the first works, which started in the last few hours from Barlassina and will last for 24 months: one to the east and one to the west of the territorial basin where BrianzAcque operates, for a total of 18 municipalities. The change of meters is underway in 10 municipalities in the Vimercatese area and involves 8,977 users divided between Aicurzio, Bernareggio, Burago Molgora, Busnago, Carnate, Cavenago, Cornate d'Adda, Mezzago, Ornago, Ronco Briantino and Sulbiate. In the North Brianza and Groane area, the operation will involve seven locations for a total of 9,086 users in Albiate, Barlassina, Briosco, Ceriano Laghetto, Cogliate, Sovico and Triuggio. In planning the intervention, priority has been given to municipalities with a greater difference between collected and distributed water. This will begin with meters installed prior to 2010.
The latest update of the operation shows that the three new municipalities involved are Lentate sul Seveso in the western part of the province’s territory and Sulbiate and Mezzago in the western part Among the Brianza municipalities where operations began in July 2020, those affected are users with meters with a diameter of up to 50 mm and a year of manufacture prior to 2011. The changeover of meters is free of charge, with no charges or costs for users, and can only guarantee more accurate measurements of water consumption, with advantages in terms of safety and reliability of readings.