Water Alliance


Water Alliance comprises Acque Bresciane, Alfa, BrianzAcque, Como Acqua, Gruppo CAP, Gruppo TEA, Lario Reti Holding, MM, Padania Acque, Pavia Acque, SAL, Secam and Uniacque, thirteen public integrated water service companies that together provide a quality service to around eight and a half million inhabitants and have decided to work as a team to combine rooting locally and the best practice in public water management.
The network is sponsored by ANCI Lombardia and Confservizi Lombardia.

Aggregated, these companies have total revenues in excess of 960 million Euro and investments of over two billion Euro; serving around  1,200 Municipalities for a total of almost  8,5 million inhabitants and aim to implement shared projects, increasing  innovative capacity and competitiveness, while maintaining independence and autonomy and ensuring proximity  to the territory served.